Board of Directors


Melanie Miller


Melanie was born and raised in Antelope County. She lived on the East Coast for thirty years where she attended seminary, was ordained in the United Church of Christ and served churches in Maine, New York and Virginia. She returned home and is raising cattle, preaching, and writing. Melanie has served on numerous non-profit boards throughout the years and hopes to bring her experience to this exciting project.     

Favorite Movie: Thelma & Louise

Favorite Movie Snack: Hot Tamales

New Moon Memory: Sitting alone in the lobby after the sand people in Star Wars freaked me out!


Karmen Sauser

Vice President

Karmen grew up in Antelope County and is now raising her family here. Professionally, she has worked within Antelope County schools as a classroom teacher and substitute teacher for over 20 years. Karmen has also been active in the fine arts with community theater and directing one-act plays. With the refurbishing of the New Moon Theater, she hopes to bring community and children’s theater productions back to life.

Favorite Movie: Fried Green Tomatoes 

Favorite Candy: Milk Duds

New Moon Memory: My favorite memory is going to the New Moon for their free holiday movies as a child with all my cousins. 


Ginny Garzón


Ginny was born and raised in Antelope County. She spent 14 years in Florida working within international education and helping universities to develop and promote study abroad experiences. In 2019 she returned to Antelope County with her husband and 3 children to be closer to family. Ginny spent much of her youth and college career participating in arts activities including choir and theater. She looks forward to helping Antelope County reclaim this historic venue and create arts and entertainment opportunities for the community to enjoy for years to come.

Favorite Movie: Sense and Sensibility

Favorite Candy: Gummy Worms

New Moon Memory: Watching Titanic in Junior High with friends from my class.


Kristin Rice


Kristin grew up on a farm outside of Neligh. As one of the last generation to have to rewind VCR tapes and rent movies, she attended New Moon Theatre briefly but was not around for its heyday. She recently returned, and is passionate about helping the area improve and grow for the next generations.

Favorite Movie: Shrek

Favorite Move Snack: Buttery Popcorn

New Moon Memory: Fighting with my siblings over which movie to rent for family nights, and school reading parties at the theater when we met our goals.


Mike Tabbert

Board Member

Mike grew up in Antelope County. After graduating high-school he moved to the East Coast for work and then to the Houston area. After living in cities for many years, he chose to return to his rural roots. He is bringing his passion for the arts to Antelope County working to make the community dream of the New Moon an area attraction.  

Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride

Favorite Movie Snack: Twizzlers

New Moon Memory: Mike did not grow up attending the New Moon Theater, but is looking to make new memories as this project comes to fruition.  


Stephanie Lundgren

Neligh City Council’s New Moon board liaison

A lifelong Neligh-ite, except for a short stint in Kansas City, Stephanie spent most of her allowance money attending movies at the New Moon. Currently, a Professional Development Coordinator at the Educational Service Unit 8 in Neligh, one of her favorite roles is supporting fine arts teachers and teaching art to learning center students. Outside of work, Stephanie and her husband, Jon, enjoy spending time with their grown son, Christian, and traveling west to see family in California and Idaho.

Favorite Movie: Sixteen Candles

Favorite Movie Snack: Raisinets

New Moon Memory: When going to movies in my junior high years, my friends and I got quite chatty during the movies.  Sometimes a staff member would stand next to our seats during the entire show to keep us quiet.  I also loved taking my 2nd grade class to the movies on the last day of school each year.  How fun to have the theater full of Neligh-Oakdale students!

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A special “Thank You!” to the City of Neligh as well as our previous board members: Leonard Miller, Mary Jo Hoffman, Patricia Miller, & Jayne Arehart.